Category: Uncategorized

MTA Completes $5.6M Improvements to Whitestone Bridge

July 2, 2020 By Allie Griffin The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has completed a $5.6 million traffic redesign to the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge that it says improves traffic flow and safety. The finished work improves access to the Whitestone Expressway and Cross Island Parkway, creating easier connections for drivers. The agency constructed an additional entry lane… Read more »

Indoor Dining in New York City Postponed Indefinitely

July 1, 2020 By Allie Griffin New Yorkers will have to wait a little longer to grab a bite to eat indoors. The reopening of indoor dining at New York City restaurants has been postponed indefinitely, both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today. New York City was poised to reopen indoor… Read more »

MTA Rolls out PPE Vending Machines Across Select City Subway Stations

July 1, 2020 By Michael Dorgan The MTA has rolled out vending machines across select city subway stations that dispense COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE). The new machines offers face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes. There are 10 machines in Manhattan and just one machine in both Queens and Brooklyn. The agency wants… Read more »

De Blasio Touts Budget Deal, Council Vote Ahead

June 30, 2020 By Allie Griffin Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a municipal budget deal that would cut NYPD funding by $1 billion and redistribute much of it to support youth services and public housing residents. The City Council will vote on the new $88.1 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2021 — which begins July… Read more »

De Blasio Wants $1.5 Billion Cut From NYPD in City Budget

June 30, 2020 By Michael Dorgan Mayor Bill de Blasio is looking to reduce funding to the NYPD by up to $1.5 billion in the city’s 2021 fiscal budget. The mayor is calling for a $1 billion cut from the NYPD’s operating budget and another $500 million cut in capital funding. The lost capital funds… Read more »

New York Hall of Science in Corona Will Reopen in Middle of 2021

June 29, 2020 By Michael Dorgan  The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) has announced that it will not reopen until the middle of next year due to concerns surrounding COVID-19. NYSCI will only reopen when it is safe to do so — and when additional preventative measures become available, Margaret Honey, President, and CEO… Read more »

NYC Indoor Dining may be Delayed: De Blasio

June 29, 2020 By Christian Murray The city’s plan to allow bars and restaurants to reopen their indoor space next week is now being called in question. The sudden uptick in COVID-19 cases in other U.S. states has been linked to indoor dining, causing the mayor and governor to rethink the reopening timeline in New… Read more »