Source: Wikimedia Commons
Jan. 4, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
The Sears department store at the Rego Park Center shopping mall will be closing down along with about 16 other Sears stores throughout the country, according to the company.
The company announced more than 30 Sears and K-Mart store closures late last month, but did not release a comprehensive list of locations. However, the Rego Park location at 96-05 Queens Boulevard was revealed as one of the stores that will be closing by the company today.
The Sears locations will begin liquidation sales on January 6 and will officially close the store by spring.
This latest round of closures comes after a 13 percent drop in revenue last quarter, and brings the number of stores Sears has closed in the past 12 months to over 200.
The company has closed more than 60 percent of its stores in the last five years. In 2011, there were more than 3,500 Sears stores nationwide, and the number has dropped to less than 1,500.
This is good bye for sears and Kmart
For ever okay
My mother and I will miss sears
And Kmart
This is good bye for 2 years so many years my mom and I will miss sears and kmart
This is good bye for sears and Kmart stores for two years my mother and I will miss sears and kmart
Sears is leaving rego park and Kmart is leaving middle village and Macys is leaving 34th street what kind or economy is this where big department stores like jcppeenry is closes 140 stores and no demo cract don’t vote for the Donald trump health care plan any way my mom and I will miss sesrs
Whos gonna takeover sears and Kmart
In what sense does that mean who will take over sears and kmart
Does anyone know what will open in place of Sears @ this locale?