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‘Rally Against Hate’ Planned This Sunday After Attack on Jewish Teen in Forest Hills

The Bukharian Jewish Community Center at 106-16 70th Ave., where the rally will take place. (Google Maps)

Feb. 1, 2019 By Meghan Sackman

Local Jewish organizations in Forest Hills are hosting a “rally against hate” this Sunday after a violent attack on a Jewish teenager late last year in Forest Hills.

The rally, organized by several Bukharian Jewish groups and expected to see elected officials and members of all faiths, will “reject hate and stand in solidarity with the Bukharian Jewish community” following a November group attack on a 16-year-old that sent him to the hospital.

The Bukharian teen, who attends a local yeshiva, suffered lip lacerations, contusions, and severe bruising to the body in an assault involving dozens of teens.

The incident sparked outrage among the local Jewish community, with many labeling the attack as hate-fueled and anti-Semitic. In a roundtable with area police shortly after the incident, several Jewish organizations alleged that the teens were heard shouting “Kill the Jew” during the attack.

While two teenagers were arrested one week after the incident and charged with assault and gang assault, no hate crime charges were filed. Police from the 112th Precinct told attendees at the December roundtable that while the investigation was ongoing, there wasn’t enough evidence to seek hate crime charges.

The rally’s organizers, however, say “enough is enough.”

“It’s alarming that across the city, not just Queens, we’re seeing a lot of hate fueled crime,” said David Aronov, co-founder of The Bukharian Jewish Union, one of the participating groups. “This will give people a chance to stand in solidarity with not only the Bukharian Jewish Community, but with all victims of hate crimes, because it’s all over.”

The 16-year-old victim and his family will also be at the rally.

Several officials have confirmed their attendance for Sunday’s event, according to Aronov, including Borough President Melinda Katz, State Sen. Joseph Addabo, Assemblymember Daniel Rosenthal, and Council Members Eric Ulrich, Donovan Richards, and Rory Lanceman.

The rally will also see Waleska Mendez, a soup kitchen volunteer who has been commended for intervening and stopping the attack on the 16-year-old, recognized once more for her bravery.

Mendez, who has already received commendations from Comptroller Scott Stringer and Council Member Karen Koslowitz, will be receiving a third commendation from Assemblymember David Weprin at the rally.

“Waleska Mendez displayed extraordinary bravery and fortitude when she intervened in the hateful attack,” Weprin said. “She was not from the community that she intervened for. She displayed why it is important that we all stand united.”

At the rally, Mendez will also meet for the first time with the victim she saved and his family.

The rally will take place at the Bukharian Jewish Community Center, located at 106-16 70th Ave., beginning at 2 p.m. Feb.3

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Glenda Kuller

The Modern day Anti Semites
are those who display their hate abd jealousy of those if the Jewish faith like Louis Farakan who made an analogy of Jews to termites, and Linda Sarsaur
Who is anti-Israel and Pro Palestinian

No worries

112th precinct cops do not give a shit, they do not live in FH and are not interested in peace and quality of life type enforcement… And our politicians suck. 71st full of homeless and vagabonds after dark. There’s no community either, just people living in some proximity.

Uri B Burnside

I feel very sorry for you. I am of the Jewish faith, and your vitriol exemplifies most probably an extremely horrible childhood, in which hate was instilled in you. I too stand behind people in stores with benefit cards, but I don’t assume I know their circumstances. Have a nice life,


Hate is hate and should never be condoned or practiced. But I am tired of the very special attention we give to the Jews whenever they are the victims of a hate crime. What purpose does a rally serve other than to make noise and remind us all how important our relationshipto the Jews/Israel/ZOG is? Is any lasting effective change going to come of it? No. It’s a shame what happened to thus personbut is it news worthy information? Is it uncommon? Should we be more concerned about this incident than the many unreported crimes that happen in the impoverished neighborhoods of the city? No. Holocaust victims are compensated for enduring what they did. Where are the reparations for the victims of slavery and genocide from other communities and nations?


I don’t know what changed but there was arson on several Jewish houses in Forest Hills a couple of years ago. I’m not Jewish but I find them to be the best neighbors I have ever had!!

Marlene Langert

If it were possible to get the anti-hate going two ways, it would be great. However, as A Jew of action, I am sick and tired of Jews who think be nice and they will be nice back to you. It doesn’t work. Allthat happens is that they think of Jews as weak and submissive, which I would suppose most of us always have been. Those non-Jews who will attend will be those who have always supported the Jews, not anyone who used to be an enemy. If there are some of those, they will be there to disturb the proceedings or to lie and pretend they have changed. I am in favor of we Jews showing our strength and determination, not our submission.

Sara Ross

Since the Russians have invaded and ruined the homes of Forest Hills – they build ugly structures with more cameras than Fort Knox and our synagogues, which have been there for decades, weren’t good enough for them?) they have brought with them an air of violence and the attitude that our rules and laws don’t apply to them and only know 1 word in English and it starts with F. They also know how to get food stamps, medical insurance, social security and other benefits without earning it, while Americans who worked hard and retired have to struggle. I’ve lived in FH for over 40 years and NO store ever had WIC, SNAP or Food Stamp signs up! Yet, they have luxury cars, most with out of state license plates. I’m sorry this kid was senselessly hurt, but blame the culture.


Here you go, Sara. You are too dumb for a Jew. The “Russians” who you keep referring to are your fellow Jews from Bukhara Uzbekistan. These are the people who build these Mc Mansions and who pay with food stamps at the same time. You really need some reality check


@DenysePrendergast This should not happen anywhere regardless of socio-economic landscape.

Virginia Moreira

Horrible we are human beings my god what happened to loving each other and respecting each other my god bless the lady who save his life and may he have a speedy recovery my prayers to the child and his family

Denyse Prendergast

Disgusting that this should happen in a solidly middle class community with a long history of welcoming varied immigrant populations. I have lived here all my life; we are better than this.

Glenda Kuller

Wishing the young man A speedy recovery (both physically and emotionally.) Accolades to The Community presence expected on Sunday! There is strength in numbers.


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