Queens Public Library at Ridgewood (Google Maps)
Oct. 13, 2020 By Allie Griffin
The Queens Public Library (QPL) is launching a free online book club so bookworms can connect safely to discuss their latest reads.
Members of the book club will read one book every two to three months — with the first being “Hotel Angeline: A Novel in 36 Voices.”
QPL has partnered with Professional Book Club Guru, a book club management company that is hosting the library book club on its platform.
Book club members will discuss the book selections in a private online forum moderated by a PBC Guru employee. The moderator will pose questions, share relevant articles and facilitate conversation about the topics in each book.
QPL cardholders can download the book selections as eBooks through the Freading app. They can also search for a physical copy of the book selections at their local library branch on queenslibrary.org.
Those interested in joining the book club should sign up by Oct. 15 to join in the first book reading.
Those who are not members of the Queens Public Library can join the book club at no cost as well. However, they are responsible for obtaining their own copies of the reading selections.
Library staff are also hosting a webinar on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. to provide tech support to those who need help signing up for the book club or downloading eBooks.
One Comment
Have difficulty opening the “download” for book. Site said I did download it but cannot open it to read.