Forest Park/NYC Parks
Aug. 4, 2017 By Nathaly Pesantez
A Queens man was arrested this week in connection to a two-year sexual assault pattern–that involved one rape and five attacks- that occurred in Forest Park, the NYPD announced yesterday.
Mark Andrade, a 45-year-old man living in Richmond Hill, was arrested on August 2 after his DNA matched with DNA that was retrieved in a March 29, 2013 incident, where a young woman was attacked while jogging in Forest Park.
“This one young lady struggled with him and pulled a beer bottle out of his pocket and then threw it,” Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said. “We retrieved the beer bottle, and that’s how we got the DNA.”
Boyce said Andrade came under the radar after he was arrested in Nassau County for grand larceny last week, and his DNA entered the database, matching the DNA already in the system. Although Andrade had six prior arrests to his name, none of them are for sex crimes, which explains the delay in a DNA match being made, Boyce said.
Andrade is charged with only the March 29, 2013 incident.
All of the victims in the six incidents between 2011 and 2013 were female joggers at Forest Park.