via NYPD Queens North
May 11, 2018 By Nathaly Pesantez
Police made a startling discovery in Forest Hills early this morning when they caught a group of men in the process of stealing a large mailbox.
Three men were seen by the 112th Precinct’s Midnight Crime Team in the act of stuffing an entire mailbox into a Honda Odyssey just after 3 a.m today, police say. The thieves were near 67th Road and Yellowstone Boulevard, where the mailbox was taken from.
Two of the men fled once they saw the officers, but police managed to catch and arrest a 30-year-old. The identity of the arrested has not been released yet, as charges are pending.
Anyone with information on the incident, including the two males who fled, is asked to call 1-800-577-TIPS.
USPS is already replacing all the old mailboxes with new ones that have new a newer anti-tamper bolt system and a new slot only opening that will prevent any “fishing” of mail pieces from the box. This new slot only box also prevents customers from mailing any packages or letters thicker then 3/8 of an inch. This sucks because now some people who do not have a means of transportation now have to walk sometimes 3+ miles round trip just to mail a small package.
They are looking for checks people mail out to pay bills, put in greeting cards, etc. so they can bleach and write new ones.
thank God these morons are so dumb. that doesn’t mean the USPS shouldn’t make sure the mail boxes are bolted securely ))
by the way, some of the mail boxes are in such poor condition – crooked, rusted, bent, info inside missing – every time I drop a letter in I keep wondering if postal service is going to take it from that box!
the one mentioned in the report was in a pretty bad shape btw. )
They were looking for checks going out.
Pay your Con Ed to them, and they’ve got your bank numbers–for a month–until you get a cut-off notice, late fees, etc.
I was gonna talk about how dumb the criminals were, but do some of you even understand how the mail works? Mailboxes are for outgoing mail, not incoming, so nobody’s SS check is going to be in there. At 3am they are only getting the stuff that stragglers are sending out, because they missed the PM pickup and just threw it in there anyway.
They probably wanted the mailbox itself. Like how some people steal street signs.
True, but if you make payments with checks they now have access to your checking account (account number, routing number, name and address)
social security checks arent mailed anymore and if they were they wouldn’t be in a mailing box in forest hills.
The morons coulda waited til the beginning of the month when social security checks are mailed out and, aren’t those mailboxes bolted down? ? They must have made quite some racket trying to dislodge it.,but why weren’t neighbors alerted / startled enough to summon the cops?