Photo: QueensPost
Nov. 17, 2017 By Tara Law
The developer who plans to demolish the Key Food supermarket at 69-65 Yellowstone Boulevard and replace it with an 11-story apartment building is working with community leaders to find a grocery store operator to take the ground floor retail space.
Slate Property, the development firm, officially filed plans Monday to construct a 168-unit building that will include 20,519 square feet of retail space.
The project generated controversy in June when permits were filed to demolish the supermarket, long regarded as a community necessity, and the preliminary plans were released. Community members, including Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz, voiced concerns that the new development would take away the supermarket that so many residents depend on.
Koslowitz has been working with David Schwartz, a principal at Slate, about bringing a grocery store to the new building after receiving messages from upset constituents about the project, according to Michael Cohen, her spokesperson.
The plans for a new grocery store are still in the “exploratory and discussion stage,” Cohen said.
The building will contain retail space on the first floor and cellar, according to the plans filed. The second floor will be used for parking, with 189 spaces on offer.
On the third floor, the tenants will have access to a lounge, an outdoor recreation space and a fitness center. Floors 4 through 9 will contain the apartments that will take up 113,400 square feet of space.
The new building will be located three blocks from the Forest Hills-71st Avenue Subway with connections to the E, F, M and R lines.
Aufgang Architects is the designer.
Hello, would you please letvme know if there is priority for NYC employees?.
Hi…as of aug 13,2020 what is the status of the 11 story apartment building with a supermarket to replace key food?
It would be nice to have a grocery store that leans toward healthy food and organic brands. We have lost so many mom and pop specialty stores like butchers, bakeries etc. A Fairway or Whole Foods would be great. They both have fresh made on the premises foods and goods. Let’s try for more interesting supermarkets.
It would be great if a supermarket returns. I am sure that this is a nightmare for many. Developers should be made by law to give back to the community while they make their fortunes. All I can see right now is 200 more people on the already crowded subways lines, and people with genuine issues about getting food.