Source: MK Moore
June 26, 2017 By Jason Cohen
The NYPD has installed a number of emergency call boxes in Forest Park so joggers, cyclists and others can call the police in case of distress at the press of a button.
The police have already installed eight boxes and will add another nine by the end of the month.
The 538 acres of trees and fields, which borders the neighborhoods of Richmond Hill, Kew Gardens, Forest Hills, Glendale and Woodhaven, is the third largest park in Queens. However, recently, it has seen a rise in crime.
There has a been a string of sexual assaults, several robberies, numerous car break-ins and a murder. Last summer, 14 cameras were placed in seven locations around the park.
Mk Moore, who started the Friends of Forest Park group, said the call boxes are a good thing for the park and community.
“I am very happy to see the boxes in the park,” Moore said. “Persons wishing to report illegal activity or a fire will no longer need to explain where they are to the 911 operators, which has been an issue. The call box will provide NYPD/FDNY an exact location.
“I feel that it also lets persons intending to break the law in our parks know that NYPD is very near and can be called easily. There has been vandalism and illicit activity occurring in the park, hopefully these call boxes will present a stronger image of Law Enforcement in our community and deter would be criminals.”
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An SOS Emergency telephone offers hands-free emergency call management service. If required, the call can be transferred and connected directly to some emergency service such as a hospital, fire-brigade or police assistance.