Police at scene of a shooting at 75th Ave Station on March 15, 2019 (Photo: QueensPost)
March 4, 2020 By Allie Griffin
The MTA will install new security cameras in Forest Hills and Rego Park subway stations to help monitor and prevent crime in the area, Assemblyman Andrew Hevesi announced today.
The agency will install approximately 37 cameras inside the 75th Avenue E/F station, 37 cameras inside the Forest Hills – 71st Avenue E/F station, 21 cameras inside the 67th Avenue E/M/R station and 43 cameras in the 63rd Drive – Rego Park E/M/R station.
The plan has yet to be finalized, the assemblyman’s office said.
There have been a number of crimes at these stations in recent times.
In December 2018, a 24-year-old woman was robbed inside the 75th Avenue E/F station in Forest Hills and in March 2019, a 21-year-old man was shot in the leg while standing on the platform at the same station.
Hevesi requested funding for the purchase and installation of the cameras in February 2019.
The layout for the plan was developed by Heidi Harrison Chain, President of the NYPD 112th Pct. Community Council, Captain Jonathan Cermeli, the former Commanding Officer of the NYPD 112th Pct., and Captain Denis Mullaney of NYPD Transit District 20.
“I am thrilled that Assemblyman Hevesi was able to secure the funding and achieve this result of permanently improving our community’s safety by the installation of these cameras,” Harrison Chain said.
Yeah you think the cameras will deter some mutt from robing or worse?? Okay a big Thank you !! to our socialist moronic politicians for creating this environment. Thanks a lot.
Quality of life has gone down in the past few years in Forest Hills and Rego Park and especially past year with all the “progressive” reforms encouraging violent offenders teenagers and adults, violent muggings, beatings, creating chaos in malls, “protesting” police and vandalizing businesses. Keep voting for progressive candidates, this is what you get.
Finally! Some of our requests, rants and concerns are being addressed. This strip of stations has been plagued by crime and incidents for far too long. More officers would have been better but at least we will have blurry videos of random individuals committing the crimes which hopefully lead to their arrest which then in turn sends the off to a Mets game with a pre-paid gift card.
67th and 63rd are M and R stops not a normal E stop. I wish they would have police at 67th at the 67th drive entrance to deter the “don’t pay for metro cards ” high schoolers from going through the emergency door after one of the brats uses his or her card and then lets everybody else in through the door. They also stay in the station and have a pot party.
What about the Union Tpke station?
Good news! at least cameras could help police after a crime was committed
About time
What do we need cameras for. Crime is down. Bail reform is working, right?
Must be that fake news again