Photo: QueensPost
Dec. 6, 2018 By Christian Murray
Council Member Karen Koslowitz and local business leaders joined together on Monday to celebrate the holiday lights that have recently gone up on Austin Street and Metropolitan Avenue.
The cost of the festive lights is being covered by the concert promoters at Forest Hills Stadium for the second year running. Tiebreaker Productions is paying the $18,100 tab.
Last year, it appeared as though for the first time in decades, Austin Street would be without holiday lights. The Forest Hills Chamber of Commerce, which traditionally raised the funds to pay for them, was unable to get cobble together the money to pay for them.

Karen Koslowitz at Ceremony (Photo: CM Koslowitz)
However, Tiebreaker stepped in at the last minute to cover the cost. The production company, however, is required to give back to the community in lieu of the noise and traffic the venue generates.
The lights on Austin Street are up between Ascan Avenue and 70th Road. For the first time in decades, lights are also up on Metropolitan Avenue between 69th Avenue and 72nd Road.
“Our holiday lights are a wonderful neighborhood tradition,” Koslowitz said. “I am pleased that in addition to having the holiday lights on Austin Street again this year, through the generosity of the Forest Hills Stadium Concern Promoters we were able to expand lighting to Metropolitan Avenue.”
I like how the title of this is “Forest Hills leaders”. Since when are these people leaders? They are politicians! We don’t need them at tree lightings, menorah lightings or whatever. Stay away and let the residents give the speeches and push the button.
The Holiday lights showing that the
welcoming Season of Winter
has arrived in Forest Hills
brings joy to residents, children and visitors alike!