112 Police Precinct (QueensPost)
July 20, 2018 By Christian Murray
The 112th Precinct will be launching the NYPD’s Neighborhood Policing program next month and is holding a meeting Aug. 2 so residents can learn more about it.
The program will cut the 112th Precinct into four sectors, where two officers—called Neighborhood Coordination Officers– will be assigned specifically to each sector.
The same officers will work in the same sectors on the same shifts, increasing their familiarity with local residents and local problems.
The NCOs will familiarize themselves with the different issues within their area and will attend community meetings, visit schools and follow up on previous incidents. The concept aims to foster better bonds between officers and the community.
The 112th Precinct is holding the meeting at Queens Metropolitan High School, 91-30 Metropolitan Ave., and residents will get to meet the NCOs assigned to each sectors. All eight NCOs will be present.
The meeting starts at 7 pm.
The NYPD introduced the NCO program in 2015, and aims to have NCOs at every precinct by 2019.

One Comment
This is whats up. A libertarian society where a neighborhood takes care of itself and is independent. Government (police is a politician’s force) can not be every where all the time. Because of this taxes should go down… if you demand it.