Author: schnepsrestagent

Cord Meyer Development Company celebrating 120th anniversary

Cord Meyer Development

Mar. 27, 2024 By Ethan Marshall As Cord Meyer Development Company celebrates its 12oth anniversary, its impact on Queens cannot be overstated. Built on decades of accomplishment, the company remains firmly focused on the future, here in Bayside and beyond. Cord Meyer Development was officially incorporated in 1904 but its roots trace back to the…
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Free Earth Day workshops for kids ages 6-13 at Idlewild Environmental Center in Springfield Gardens next month

earth day

Mar. 27, 2024 By Athena Dawson Looking for a great way to spend spring break just in time for Earth Day? The Idlewild Park Preserve Environmental Science Learning Center, located at 222-02 149th Ave. in Springfield Gardens, is hosting three days of free interactive workshops next month for kids ages 6-13.  From Apr. 23-25, local kids can come in from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to learn about pollution, energy and environmental activism.  In the energy workshop, students will explore the advantages of alternative energy sources and construct models of renewable energy systems. Additional offerings cover the environmental impact of…
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Crunching the Queens crime numbers: rapes still up across borough, robberies increase and grand larcenies decrease in northern Queens


Mar. 27, 2024 By Ethan Marshall The number of rapes throughout Queens remained up during the 28-day period from Feb. 23 to Mar. 24, compared to the same time period last year, according to the latest crime stats released by the NYPD Monday. In northern Queens, robberies had a large increase, while grand larcenies declined sharply. Over the course of the 28-day period, reported rape cases in northern Queens increased 33.3%, from 15 in 2023 to 20 in 2024. Robberies also had a large increase in northern Queens, rising 37% from 119 to 163. Grand larcenies, on the other hand,…
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Catholics throughout Queens invited to participate in Reconciliation Monday


Mar. 25, 2024 By Athena Dawson Catholics throughout Queens are invited to go to church today in honor of Reconciliation Monday, to usher in the Holy Week leading up to Easter.  Bishop Robert Brennan, of Brooklyn Queens Diocese, announced that most parishes will have a priest available to hear confessions from 2-4 p.m. and from 6-9 p.m. Bishop Brennan feels that Reconciliation Monday is an opportunity for Catholics to forge a closer bond with the Lord. “As we seek to grow closer to the Lord, let us ask our all-loving and merciful God to forgive us of our sins. Let…
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Queens based lawmakers and formerly incarcerated advocates rally for new prison reform bills

Mar. 22, 2024 By Athena Dawson Lawmakers from Queens, alongside prison reform advocates, converged in Albany Wednesday to champion parole justice for families in Queens. They urged the legislature to pass parole reform bills focused on providing relief to incarcerated elders. Participants at the rally threw their support behind two specific pieces of legislation: the Elder Parole Bill and the Fair and Timely Parole Bill, advocating for a more just parole system. The first bill would allow the State Board of Parole to evaluate possible parole for older adults that are 55 or older. The bill emphasizes consideration for the…
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Real estate visionary and St. John’s benefactor, Joseph M. Mattone passes away at 92, leaves legacy of transformation and philanthropy

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Mar. 22, 2024 By Iryna Shkurhan Joseph M. Mattone, a towering figure in one of the world’s most formidable retail markets, died peacefully surrounded by his family at his home on Thursday, March 21, at the age of 92. A distinguished lawyer and real estate mogul, Mattone’s ascent through the ranks of real estate development…
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Op-ed | Queens-based faith leaders: Climate crisis is the moral crisis of our time

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Mar. 21, 2024 By Imam Muhammed Shahidullah and Rev. Jeffrey Courter As we approach another sure-to-be sweltering and storm-drenched summer due to the continued warming of the planet, it is time to take decisive, bold action for climate justice here in NYC. As residents of Queens, we know all too well the havoc of climate destruction. Not even two years ago, eleven people in our borough were killed by flooding from Hurricane Ida. And, we’re still rebuilding from Hurricane Sandy, over a decade later. The worsening climate and ecological crisis will continue to affect everyone, but mostly the most vulnerable…
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